I had had my night of weeping...I had purged myself of useless emotions that terrible night, now every nerve every sinew, every thought was bent on a single purpose - Elizabeth Peters
I do not scruple to employ mendacity and a fictitious appearance of female incompetence when the occasion demands it. - Elizabeth Peters
My feelings are a fact, not a personal delusion. They are valid for me. What business have you got trying to tell me how I ought to feel? - Elizabeth Peters
Men are frightful nuisances at times; how much simpler life would be if we women did not have to make allowances for their little peculiarities. - Elizabeth Peters
No woman really wants a man to carry her off; she only wants him to want to do it. - Elizabeth Peters
That didn't surprise me; any man with a grain of sense knows that marriage is the only way, these days, to acquire a full-time maid who works twenty-five hours a day. with no time off and no pay except room and board. - Elizabeth Peters